Quality, Health, Safety and Environment

Our quality, health and safety management systems have been implemented in line with ISO 9001:2008 and ISO 18001:2008 and certified by Lloyd´s Register Quality Assurance.

The long term ELMEP's policy is to continuously improve our products and services beyond customers' expectations.

Hazard identification, assessment and risks management are inherent to all processes across the company. Health, Safety and Environment at ELMEP have utmost importance in all activities we perform.

ELMEP s.r.o.
V Ruzovem udoli 556
278 01 Kralupy nad Vltavou
The Czech Republic
Tel.: (+420) 315 617 311
E-mail: elmep@elmep.cz

Service & Maintenance:
ELMEP s.r.o.
areal SYNTHOS Kralupy a.s.
278 52 Kralupy nad Vltavou
The Czech Republic
Tel.: (+420) 315 712 206
E-mail: provozovna@elmep.cz